Friday, August 1, 2014


Thirty spokes are made one by holes in a hub
by vacancies joining them for a wheel's use.
                                                            Lao Tzu

Avidya and the other spokes in the wheel tell the story 
of  how we came to forget that this life is not all there is.
                                                                             Eknath Easwaran
Inside Karnak Temple, I secreted myself away from my five close compatriots. I found myself moving into a cell-like chamber. Inside, I meditated standing up. After quieting myself, I felt a stillness urging me to move further into the inset of the wall chamber.
There, I felt the ancient, humid, cool/warm and dank space enfolding me. I was alone for the first time on my Egyptian trip. I breathed in the deep sense of antiquity. I was transported to some other time and place where prayers were said and words were chanted. There was a truth known and spoken amongst the people and their temple priests. I felt a trembling in my body.

I shut out the chatter going on a few feet away. More silence descended. A force held me firm. Depths of the sacred lived in these ruins. I felt heat emerge from the pyramid walls, contacting my skin, lungs and breath. There was a bodily connection that made its way into the core of my being. Time stopped. I felt a tingling sensation embrace me.
I experienced my body being warmed and blanketed by earth’s waves. The stone itself seemed to be pulsing radiation, releasing purified oxygen that flowed into me.
My brain felt suddenly elastic. I was shown a repeating childhood dream. I was sitting on a very large bicycle. I was transparent; a hand could be put through my body. I was there, and yet, not there. In my dream, I was always pedaling in the air, into exquisite, dark starry sky. This massive back wheel kept turning, spinning and moving out and out into space.
Still inside the pyramid chamber, something in me whispered, reminding me of words from the dream:  “She sits on the cycle. Who is this she? She sits inside another She. Who’s that She? What is the “S” for anyway?
My dream was then lifted up and out of me. It came to life in this Temple. I was faintly aware of my dream being a coded message. Hieroglyphs written across the universe whose meaning we’re privileged to receive...when it’s time.

Triangles were created from the wheel spokes. They were hauled out in distinct movements by a seemingly invisible force. These triangular units were flung out endlessly, freed from captivity. Triangular vaults suddenly whirled and spun further out into the sky. Strange trajectories released from their negative space. They had lives of their own. Then they vanished. The emptiness that housed the spokes was also a hieroglyph.

Some positive force set negative space free. My childhood dream and I were both message and messenger. I was sent here long ago. Karnak and its mysteries had these words for me: You belong to a deeper conversation not of the ordinary world.
How about you, Reader?  What dream came to life and led you to new revelation?

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