Friday, October 24, 2014


In the beginning was only Being,
One without a second.
Out of himself he brought forth the cosmos
And entered into everything in it.
There is nothing that does not come from him.
You are that, Svetaketu; you are that.

Svetaketu is us all: humans, animals, birds, trees and rocks. Like Svetaketu, we don’t realize that we are THAT, that we’re ONE BEING.

Our world view is that we’re separate; entitled to do as we please. We don’t have to answer to all life forms. We aren’t intrinsically related. Deuteronomy tells us we have a choice to make. We can pretend we’re not connected and wreak havoc (death) or we can see that every action we make impacts our collective whole.

            New Living Translation
            Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings
            and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. 
            Oh, that you would choose life.

In the teachings of mystic Isaac Luria, God performed a “tzimtzum”, what Kabbalists call a tremendous act of love. In this story, God created special vessels to contain Divine Light as he brought forth the world. The light was so brilliant that many vessels, unable to contain this radiance, shattered, flinging shards all over creation.

Some Light returned to Source; some got trapped in the shards. It became our collective life purpose to gather this lost let our light shine. To choose LIFE. We have the choice to participate in Tikkun Olam (world repair) by healing our own inner splits.

What’s a split? It’s like that reactive impulse to lash out when someone’s unkind. We heal it by slowing down, remembering our connection-letting in the LIGHT. As I reflect on this past week, I hear again my sister’s daughters saying heated words as my eldest niece was preparing to embark upon her new life.

This family has had more than their share of loss, some tragic. Transitions are taxing. It’s where their Light is trapped in sorrow. While harsh words were spoken, the three adults remained calm, supporting each sister to speak her deeper truths. Shining our light where it was dark. Fences got mended and voices were heard. Now, if the adults could extend that to each other when tensions are high, we’d heal the cosmic split more quickly. And we do, every time we calm the waters.

Oprah asks Ms. Angelou in an interview, “What words do you turn to for comfort.”

Love,” Ms. Angelou answers.

"[Love] may be that energy which keeps the stars in the firmament. It may be the energy that keeps the blood running through our veins.”

This is soul work: turning to kindness as loss surfaces. Loving ourselves and loving each other.

Love gives us the strength to participate in a great Tikkun Olam, healing our splits. We’re called upon to transform our unworthiness. We are called to let go of resentments.

This LOVE is WHAT we are. Ubuntu. You are that, Svetaketu; you are that.

Freed, this LIGHT gives hope. Dr. Rachel Remen says:

           We can learn to see [these sparks] in ourselves and others. When we
           spot one, we blow on it and strengthen it.

Dear Reader, what’s one split that you will start healing today? Can you see the light shining in someone that you love?

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