Monday, December 23, 2013


There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, and our hearts must be very quiet to hear them.   Minnie Aumonier

One beautiful day in gorgeous summer heat, I, on behalf of Namaste Global Vision, find myself driving over new roads to meet Stuart, a newly recommended animal whisperer. Stuart and his apprentice, who has just arrived from England, meet me at the gate. Horses are there to welcome me. In the jeep, I am handled two gifts. A candle from the gardens and a charming camel sun-catcher to hang in my window, which I do.

At the end of the wending road, we arrive at Sacred Camel Gardens. Not since Africa have I felt this peace of animals and humans coming together in one sacred spot where love is the way of greeting each other and the day. Here with Stuart, it is clear that he and the camels are equal souls. He is there to guide and teach, and to serve them. They know it and so does he. The world melts away and my worries disappear. The day unfolds.

Have you ever felt the presence of a camel, that big heart, just allowing your breath and his, with the next moment to come? Walking among these gentle giants, I feel complete serenity. Stuart slowly introduces me to each individual camel who is in the garden near us. He tells me of their stories and canceling travel plans to Australia and family, twice, just to stay by the side of an elder camel statesman, Jingle Baba, in his final years.

Sun pours down, camels' gentle sounds, their big eye engagements, a teenager trying to playfully connect with me. This warm communion of camels and humans. We stay in sanctuary all day until dusk calls me away from this delicious interlude. That day, the moment of connecting more deeply with Hi Ho and all the camels lingers within me. Such wonder I met in 2013. I can't wait to discover what new magic awaits me in 2014. How about you?