Friday, December 19, 2014


When you change the thought, your reality must follow. You have the ability
to quickly change your patterns of thought, and eventually your life experience.
                                                                                                           Abe Hicks

When I woke up this morning, my first thought was how happy I was to be all snuggled in and warm.

My second thoughts were ones that Einstein assures me cannot be solved “with the same thinking that created them.” Often, I kick out those negative thoughts.

But this morning, and only for seconds, I dipped into thinking about a personal issue that created results I didn’t want. A second thought crashed in about a friend’s trouble. Following was concern for a global event.

That train of bad thinking was sending me off the rails before I even climbed out of bed.

That’s how the train of unwanted thoughts creates situations WE DON’T WANT. That I DON’T WANT. How many of you can relate?

Promptly, I kicked out that train of thoughts. I realigned with Spirit and my Faith in Spirit. “I am perfectly aligned” is a great affirmation.

I intentionally thought of five happy events. I watched my worry pack her bags and leave. I repeated my affirmations. I remembered things working out. I took a breath.

I sent love and mantrams to me, my friends, and to the global community. I thought positive thoughts. Realigned, I sighed. Here, at midday, things are in flow and alignment.


Recently, I’ve done inner work, cleaning out yesterday’s negativity. My new inner life is transforming my outer one. I still need, on occasion, to keep faith that the changes not yet here ARE coming. It’s my growing edge.


I once “talked” a disabled, abandoned VW bus into running. I then went on a 515-mile road trip. That same year my partner, a friend, and I were waiting to board a plane. From our stopover in Dallas, our friend, Jean, would fly to New York for the holidays. My partner and I were flying to my sister’s wedding. We had three hours once the plane landed to arrive at the church.

The announcement blared out: “Due to storms, this flight may be delayed.” Jean was thrilled. She was frightened of flying and hoped the flight would be cancelled. I strolled over to the desk attendant for a chat. Yes, cancelling the flight WAS a possibility. No, no other flights would get me to the wedding on time.


I took another stroll around the area. I quieted my pounding heart. I could not let my sister down. I was a Bridesmaid. I asked Spirit what to do.

Take a breath. See you arriving on time, safely. Breathe. Sit down. Keep the Faith. Lean into Faith.

Another announcement came: This flight might be cancelled. Jean was giddy. I quietly closed my eyes.

We were told to get on board three minutes before the decision to cancel the flight was to be announced. SHAZAM! The Universe OPENED the Gate.

LIVING ON FAITH is a practice. WHEN was the last time you LIVED ON FAITH, dear Reader?

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